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Carti in categoria Grammar & Language

Fly High Level 3 Fun Grammar Teachers Guide
Follow the FlyHigh characters on their crazy adventures. Humorous cartoon stories, games, and songs get pupils singing along and help them to recycle important language. There is even more practise on the CD-ROM!And for teachers, find all the support you need for lesson planning and keeping your class motivated and meaningful.ISBN: 9781408234020Nr pagini: 64 pagesFormat: 128 x 277 x 3mm | 96gAnul aparitiei: 28 Jul 2011...


PRP: 57,20 Lei  51,48 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Fly High Level 2 Fun Grammar Teachers Guide
Follow the FlyHigh characters on their crazy adventures. Humorous cartoon stories, games, and songs get pupils singing along and help them to recycle important language. There is even more practise on the CD-ROM!And for teachers, find all the support you need for lesson planning and keeping your class motivated and meaningful.ISBN: 9781408233924Nr pagini: 48 pagesFormat: 218 x 271 x 4mm | 138gAnul aparitiei: 04 Mar 2010...


PRP: 59,50 Lei  53,55 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare