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Carti in categoria Grammar & Language

Think First Certificate coursebook. New Edition (For the revised exam)
This course is designed to prepare students for the revised First Certificate exam using worked examples, increased listening and reading tasks, and a grammar section new to this edition. No. of pages : 224


PRP: 40,95 Lei  36,86 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Think Ahead to First Certificate. Workbook. New Edition
As a lead-in to preparation for the Cambridge First Certificate examination, "Think Ahead to First Certificate" offers intermediate students following general communicative courses a bridge to the accuracy required for FCE, particularly in the areas of structure, vocabulary and writing skills. The course combines high-interest texts with a clear focus on skills and vocabulary building. A reference section encourages students to use the language they have acquired to create their own re...