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Carti in categoria Grammar & Language

Miskin, Ruth
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Read Write Inc. Home. Phonics Flashcards
Read Write Inc. Phonics Flashcards are a great way to introduce the letters and sounds that make up words - the Speed Sounds. The cards feature all 31 Set 1 Speed Sounds and corresponding letters to enable children to learn phonics and decode words easily. Full colour illustrations and picture cards place the sounds in context, providing an enjoyable way to practise using the sounds they have learnt. Parent notes offer guidance on how to use the cards andtips to support first steps in learning t...
PRP: 63,00 Lei  56,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Read Write Inc. Phonics. More Phonics Flashcards
Following on from the bestselling Read Write Inc. Phonics Flashcards, this second pack is a fun way to introduce more of the letters and sounds that make up words. The 55 cards include Set 2 and Set 3 Speed Sound cards and Green word cards, providing practice to support school learning. Accompanied by humorous illustrations and rhymes, the cards are colour-coded for an easy way to progress from Set 2 to Set 3. With clear guidance for parents throughout, thisis a great way to support your childs ...
PRP: 63,00 Lei  56,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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