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Carti in categoria Grammar & Language

Nation, I. S. P.
Tip afisare:
Teaching and Learning Vocabulary
Based on the premise that a systematic approach to vocabulary development results in better learning, this textexamines the underlying principles of vocabulary acquisition, including the most effective teaching and learningtechniques currently available. The author draws on a hundred years of research, experimentation, and classroomexperience and provides relevant applications to the teaching of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. ISBN: 9780838428634Nr pagini: 275 pagesFormat: 153 x 230 x...
PRP: 179,00 Lei  161,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Teaching Vocabulary. Strategies and Techniques
Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Techniques thoroughly examines over 60 teaching techniques and suggests clear, research-based principles for vocabulary training. This unified approach represents vocabulary instruction through listening, speaking, reading, and writing development.Nr pagini: 222 pagesFormat: 153 x 228 x 13mm | 288gAnul aparitiei: 30 Jun 2009
PRP: 179,00 Lei  161,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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