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Literatura Short Tales. Kind man cu digibook
Jelani needs wood to keep his family and village warm during the cold winter, but cutting down a tree in his forest is very difficult. What will Jelani do, and how can a baby elephant he meets help the kind man?
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Literatura Short Tales. The Hippo who Wanted to be Fit cu digibook
A hippo decides to lose weight to wear her favourite skirt on her birthday. Can she do it or will she give up?
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Literatura Short Tales. The Friendly Bear cu digibook
When Betty Bear sees a new pupil in class she wants to be friends with her. But Sally isn’t so friendly. What can Betty do?
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Literatura Short Tales. The flies and the honey cu digibook
A very hungry group of friends fly into the city, looking for food. They visit many places until they find something yummy to eat, but is it safe for them?
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Literatura Short Tales. The farmer and the snake cu digibook
On a cold winter day, a farmer named Fred decides to cut wood for his family. On his way back home from the forest, he meets a freezing snake. Can the snake be trusted? Should the farmer help it?
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Literatura Short Tales. The farmer and the donkey cu digibook
Fabio the farmer has a lot of lazy donkeys on his farm. He needs a new one that will work hard for him. Will Diego the donkey pass his test and get the job?
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Literatura Short Tales. The dancing camel cu digibook
Cleo is a happy young camel who loves to travel through the desert with her master. But what happens when she listens to music for the first time?
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Literatura Short Tales. The clever Squirrel cu digibook
Two monkeys find a tree full of plums and start picking them. Something goes wrong and they leave them. But a clever squirrel knows what to do with the plums.
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Literatura Short Tales. The clever little mouse cu digibook
Max Mouse loves reading, and he will do anything to read more books – even go to a house with a big cat like Casper. What will Max do when Casper finds him?
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Literatura Short Tales. The Angry Elephant cu digibook
Ellie the Elephant wants to play with the other young animals, but they are not very kind to her. Who can help her make friends?
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Literatura Short Tales. Sasha and the tree fairy cu digibook
A fairy becomes friends with a little girl who lives with her grandma. The fairy will need the girl’s help to get her magic shell back from a cruel giant. Without the shell, the forest she lives in won’t bloom again.
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Literatura Short Tales. Penny Hen Goes Away cu digibook
Penny Hen wants to go on a trip, but there’s one problem: she can’t take her eggs with her. Can her friends help her?
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Literatura Short Tales. How orangutans got their fur cu digibook
Olly, the baby orangutan, is sad that he can’t jump like the monkeys. How will his mother teach him that being different is OK?
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Literatura Short Tales. Freddy Frog Climbs a Mountain cu digibook
Freddy Frog is tired of living in the same place and wants to travel. When he gets up on a mountain he thinks that living there would be wonderful – until Leo Lion teaches him why living at home is important.
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Literatura Short Tales. Fleecy Sheep Goes on Holiday cu digibook
A mother sheep decides to take her kids on a holiday to Antarctica. She needs her wool to make jumpers to keep warm. How is she going to tell her friends that she can’t give them her wool this year?
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Literatura Short Tales. Christmas magic cu digibook
Santa wants a new golden suit for Christmas Eve but needs help from his elves to make it. Will they finish it in time, or will Santa wear his old red suit again?
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