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Aravanis, Rosemary
Tip afisare:
Wider World Exam Practice: Cambridge English Key for Schools
The language inWider Worldis presented through relevant and intriguing real life content, from the humorous situations in the drama videos through to the real people interviewed for the Vox Pop videos and the clips taken from actual BBC programs in the BBC Culture videos. Moving to a much more personalized and adaptive approach, Wider World doesn’t just provide static content but also multiple opportunities to investigate and interact with that content through productive activities and pro...
PRP: 36,10 Lei  32,49 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Practice Tests Plus KET for Schools without Key and Multi-Rom/Audio CD Pack
Lots of practice with hints and guidance on approaching different exam tasks. Practice Tests Plus familiarise learners with the task types, question formats and style of the test papers. Speaking test videos of candidates with examiners help students prepare for the moreISBN: 9781292162980Format: 212 x 281 x 9mm | 430gAnul aparitiei: 30 Jun 2016


PRP: 139,60 Lei  125,64 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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