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New Inside Out Elementary   eBook Students Pack
The Students Book Pack consists of a visually engaging, 16 unit Students Book that develops the core skills through challenging and fun activities. Special Extra sections further develop student understanding, while the CD-ROM provides a wealth of interactive activities and the eBook provides an electronic version of the Students Book.
PRP: 80,00 Lei  72,00 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
New Inside Out Upper Intermediate plus eBook Students Pack
The Students Book Pack consists of a visually engaging, 16 unit Students Book that develops the core skills through challenging and fun activities. Special Extra sections further develop student understanding, while the CD-ROM provides a wealth of interactive activities and the eBook provides an electronic version of the Students Book.
PRP: 80,00 Lei  72,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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