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Dooley, Jenny
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The Flibets Starter. Story Cards
The Flibets is a 3-level course with 8 themed modules per level designed for pre-primary children. Zac and his friends introduce pupils to their fantasy world through English, engaging them with exciting stories and stimulating activities. The course contains a combination of elements which fully support teachers in the classroom and make learning fun for pupils.
PRP: 200,00 Lei  180,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
The Flibets Starter. Flashcards
The Flibets is a 3-level course with 8 themed modules per level designed for pre-primary children. Zac and his friends introduce pupils to their fantasy world through English, engaging them with exciting stories and stimulating activities. The course contains a combination of elements which fully support teachers in the classroom and make learning fun for pupils.
PRP: 132,00 Lei  118,80 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Smiles 6. Picture Flashcards
Smiles is a series that provides a well-designed learning environment where young learners can develop their competencies in English in a structured yet creative manner. This unique course will motivate pupils and assist them in connecting to their inner passions while achieving their full potential! The perfect combination of print and digital resources to help teachers and pupils alike. Key Features- carefully graded development of all four skills specially designed material to promote enviro...
PRP: 109,00 Lei  98,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Smiles 6. Multi-ROM, Pupils Audio CD
Smiles is a series that provides a well-designed learning environment where young learners can develop their competencies in English in a structured yet creative manner. This unique course will motivate pupils and assist them in connecting to their inner passions while achieving their full potential! The perfect combination of print and digital resources to help teachers and pupils alike. Key Features- carefully graded development of all four skills specially designed material to promote enviro...
PRP: 27,00 Lei  24,30 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Smiles 6. Interactive Whiteboard Software
Smiles is a series that provides a well-designed learning environment where young learners can develop their competencies in English in a structured yet creative manner. This unique course will motivate pupils and assist them in connecting to their inner passions while achieving their full potential! The perfect combination of print and digital resources to help teachers and pupils alike. Key Features- carefully graded development of all four skills specially designed material to promote enviro...
PRP: 373,00 Lei  335,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Smiles 5. Interactive Whiteboard Software
Smiles is a series that provides a well-designed learning environment where young learners can develop their competencies in English in a structured yet creative manner. This unique course will motivate pupils and assist them in connecting to their inner passions while achieving their full potential! The perfect combination of print and digital resources to help teachers and pupils alike. Key Features- carefully graded development of all four skills specially designed material to promote enviro...
PRP: 373,00 Lei  335,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Smiles 5. Picture Flashcards
Smiles is a series that provides a well-designed learning environment where young learners can develop their competencies in English in a structured yet creative manner. This unique course will motivate pupils and assist them in connecting to their inner passions while achieving their full potential! The perfect combination of print and digital resources to help teachers and pupils alike. Key Features- carefully graded development of all four skills specially designed material to promote enviro...
PRP: 109,00 Lei  98,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Smiles 1 multi-ROM. Pupils Audio CD, DVD Video PAL
Smiles is a series that provides a well-designed learning environment where young learners can develop their competencies in English in a structured yet creative manner. This unique course will motivate pupils and assist them in connecting to their inner passions while achieving their full potential! The perfect combination of print and digital resources to help teachers and pupils alike. Key Features:- Carefully graded development of all four skills.- Specially designed material to promote env...
PRP: 60,00 Lei  54,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Life Exchange Reader
The burned man turned towards his burned friend on the other trolley. He put his hand onto his friend´s hand. "J ... a ... k ... e!" But that was his last word. He died, with his hand in the hand of his friend. "Can you hear me? Jake, did you say?" The nurse lifted the dead man´s hand away from his friend´s and laid it across his chest.
PRP: 26,00 Lei  23,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Curs de limba engleza - Beauty and the Beast Reader with Audio CD
"Beauty, I love you. Do you love me? Will you marry me?" What should she say? She was afraid of him ... And so she said, "No, Beast. You are kind, but I don´t love you. And I don´t want to marry you." At this the Beast let out a roar of anger and pain. "Why don´t you love me? Am I so ugly?!" he shouted at the terrified Beauty and left the room...
PRP: 39,00 Lei  35,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Curs de limba engleza - Beauty and the Beast Reader
"Beauty, I love you. Do you love me? Will you marry me?" What should she say? She was afraid of him ... And so she said, "No, Beast. You are kind, but I don´t love you. And I don´t want to marry you." At this the Beast let out a roar of anger and pain. "Why don´t you love me? Am I so ugly?!" he shouted at the terrified Beauty and left the room...
PRP: 26,00 Lei  23,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Fisele cu imagini ce insotesc cursul Welcome 3 au rolul de a incuraja exprimarea structurilor asimilate de elevi prin prezentari orale, in cadrul activitatilor de tipul: formularea de intrebari, exprimarea cantitatii, a posesiei, a orei si a datei, timpurilor prezent simplu si continuu, trecut simplu, viitorul cu "will", a obligatiei, a preferintei, descrieri, ordinea adjectivelor, substantive nenumarabile, comparatii, prepozitii de loc, etc. Imaginile insotesc activitatile corespunzat...
PRP: 68,00 Lei  61,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
The Circulatory System. Reader with cros platform application
THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (EXPLORE OUR WORLD) READER WITH CROSS-PLATFORM APPLICATIONCirculatory System examineaza minunile anatomiei umane pentru a descoperi cum este transportat sangele prin corp,gasind raspunsuri la intrebari precum:– care sunt cele trei parti principale ale sistemului circulator?– care alte sisteme ale corpului sunt legate de sistemul circulator?– care este cel mai important muschi al corpului tau?...
Life Exchange. Pack
The burned man turned towards his burned friend on the other trolley. He put his hand onto his friend?s hand. "J ... a ... k ... e!" But that was his last word. He died, with his hand in the hand of his friend. "Can you hear me? Jake, did you say?" The nurse lifted the dead man?s hand away from his friend?s and laid it across his chest. Nivel: B1Pachetul contine: carte, caiet de activitati si audio CD
Excalibur. Pack
Will Uther keep his promise and give his son to Merlin? Who will be the one to pull Excalibur out of the rock and become the ruler who will unite England? Is love enough to beat hatred and save Arthur and Lancelot?s friendship? Will Morgan Le Fay?s evil plans succeed? Will peace ever return to England? Autor: Jenny DooleyNivel: B1Pachetul contine: cartea, caietul de activitati si audio CD
Little Red Riding Hood. Multi ROM
Titlu: MULTI-ROM PAL (Little Red Riding Hood)Autor: The Brothers Grimm retold by Jenny DooleyNivel: A1
The Ghost. DVD
Autor: Jenny DooleyNivel: A1
Simon Decker and the Secret Formula
Simon heard a woman scream, then a gunshot. There was another shot and the sound of glass breaking. Simon fell to the floor and crawled towards the kitchen. Rocky was in there, barking and jumping at the kitchen door.
Literatura adaptata pentru copii. The Toy Soldier Set cu Audio CD