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Gray, Elizabeth
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Componenta DVD pentru cursul de limba engleza Welcome 3. Prezinta fiecare tema din manualul elevului intr-un mod atractiv pentru copii, prin intermediul aventurilor lui Oscar si a noilor sai prieteni: Lia, Carmen si Kamal ce lucreaza impreuna ca reporteri pentru revista scolii, The Welcome Weekly, si a inventatorului excentric, Professor McDuff. Contine activitati interactive, redarea unor dialoguri si situatii din viata reala, cantecele, poezii rimate si jocuri. Poate fi folosit atat pentru pre...
PRP: 33,00 Lei  28,05 LeiAdauga in cos
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Componenta audio pentru manualul Welcome 3. Contine activitatile din manualul elevului si caietul elevului pentru dezvoltarea abilitatii de ascultare si intelegere a unui mesaj in limba engleza. Format : CD-Audio
PRP: 63,00 Lei  53,55 LeiAdauga in cos
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Frankenstein. Pack
"Frankenstein, for that is your name, isn?t it? Or should I call you ?Father??" "Call me what you like." "Why did you bring me into this world of hate, Frankenstein?" I was surprised by how well he spoke. "It is not a world of hate. It is a world of love." "Love? What is love? You have shown me no love. The world has shown me nothing but hate!" Pachetul contine: cartea de citit + AUDIO CDNivelul B1.
PRP: 30,00 Lei  28,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Welcome 1 Flashcards
Welcome 1, 2 and 3 are designed for children learning English at primary level. A lively group of characters invites pupils to join in the fun as Masid, the magical genie, transports them to new and exciting places.Key Features:- Presentation of vocabulary and grammar through colour flashcards.- Development of vocabulary and grammar through interactive tasks.- Language 'twisters'.- Songs and games.- Projects.- Consolidation of vocabulary and grammar.- Regular revision units.- Photo File Sections...
PRP: 57,00 Lei  54,15 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Simon Decker and the Secret Formula. Pack
ISimon heard a woman scream, then a gunshot. There was another shot and the sound of glass breaking. Simon fell to the floor and crawled towards the kitchen. Rocky was in there, barking and jumping at the kitchen door. Simon held Rocky in his arms to keep him quiet, then he listened. A car door opened and closed, then the car drove quickly away.Nivel: A2Pachetul contine: carte si audio CD
The Portrait of Dorian Gray. Pack
Dorian remembered the wish he had made at Basil?s. He had said that he wished the portrait would grow old and ugly while he remained young and beautiful. But could such things come true? Dorian didn?t think so. But what about the portrait? It had changed. Autor: Oscar Wilde retold by Elizabeth GrayNivel: B1Pachetul contine: cartea de citit + AUDIO CD