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Elsworth, Steve
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Academy Stars 5 Audio CD
Scale the heights of the Academy Stars skyscraper and aspire to excellence with this new seven-level course! Modern lessons are based on a comprehensive skills and grammar syllabus where English is as academic as it is communicative. Extending beyond just learning a language, Academy Stars prepares students for success on a local and global scale. For Teachers: • Strong reading, writing and grammar syllabus that uses a step-by-step teaching approach• Easy-to-teach material that works...


PRP: 71,00 Lei  63,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Academy Stars Level 6 Audio CD
The Academy Stars Audio CD features all of the course audio covering key texts, stories, songs, dialogues and phonics chants from the Pupils Book.
PRP: 71,00 Lei  63,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Look! level 1 Class CD 1 and 2 - Elsworth Steve
PRP: 50,95 Lei  45,86 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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