Carti in categoria Carte straina - nivel certificare cerf a2
Recomandari in categoria Carte straina
Afiseaza 61 pana la 80 (din 492 produse)
Pagini cu rezultate: 4

Scrooge is rich, but mean and miserable. He particularly hates Christmas. His assistant, Bob Cratchitt, is poor but happy, even though his son, Tiny Tim is very ill. One Christmas, three ghosts visit Scrooge to show him his past, his present and the terrible future. Will this soften Scrooge´s heart and change him into a generous man?

Hermia and Lysander decide to get married and run into the forest. Demetrius and Helena follow them. Oberon, the King of the Fairies, and Puck, his mischievous helper, play tricks and use a magic potion. The result is an unforgettable Midsummer Night!

One night, four men and a boy, who are prisoners of war, escape in a hot air balloon. They travel for five days in a dangerous storm and then crash on a very strange island. During their adventures on the island, they realise that someone is watching and helping them. Who is this unknown person? And will they ever escape from the Mysterious Island?

New Round-Up English Grammar Practice este o serie de culegeri de gramatica limbii engleze, cu teorie si exercitii, adresata elevilor din invatamantul primar si gimnazial, structurata gradual pe sapte niveluri de invatare, incepand de la nivelul Starter pana la nivelul 6.
Culegerile New Round-Up sunt avizate de Ministerul Educatiei pentru lucrul extins la clasa si pot fi folosite ca un manual, dupa orele de curs ca o carte de teme, iar pe timpul vacantei pentru recapitulare, deoarece elevul poa...

The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:William the Conqueror, the first Norman King of EnglandSaladin, historic Muslim leaderGenghis Khan, famous leader of the Mongol empireCatherine the Great, the woman who turned Russia into an empireAbraham Lincoln who stopped slavery in the USAQueen Victoria, the famous British QueenBRITISH ENGLISHWord count: 6,360Headword count: 628Each book includes a full recording of each story online.PLUS: visit for vid...

The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Johannes Gutenberg, inventor of the printing pressLouis Braille, creator of an alphabet for blind peopleAlexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephoneThomas Edison, inventor of the electric light bulbGuglielmo Marconi, inventor of the wireless systemJohn Logie Baird, inventor of the televisionBRITISH ENGLISHWord count: 6,805Headword count: 726Each book includes a full recording of each story online.PLUS: visit

The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Mayer Amschel Rothschild who started a bank which made his family richCornelius Vanderbilt who became one of the richest people in the USAW. K. Kellogg who started the world''s biggest cereal companyElizabeth Arden who built the Elizabeth Arden cosmetics companyWalt Disney who started the famous entertainment companySoichiro Honda who started the Honda motorbike and car companyBRITISH ENGLISHWord count: 6,901Headword count: 623Each b...

The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Harriet Tubman, the slave who helped hundreds of other slaves to escapeEmmeline Pankhurst who wanted women to be able to voteMaria Montessori, the doctor who found a new way to teach childrenHelen Keller, the deaf and blind woman who became a famous teacherEva Peron, the actress who helped poor and sick people in ArgentinaNancy Wake, the Second World War spyBRITISH ENGLISHWord count: 7,001Headword count: 665Each book includes a full ...

The inspiring stories of 5 people who changed history.Contents:Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, who helped humans to flyLouis Bleriot, the first person to cross the sea in an aeroplaneCharles Lindbergh, first to cross the Atlantic aloneAmelia Earhart, the first woman to fly alone across the AtlanticAmy Johnson, the British woman who broke flying recordsBRITISH ENGLISHWord count: 9,498Headword count: 906Each book includes a full recording of each story online.PLUS: visit for ...

The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Galileo who wanted to show that the earth went around the sunRene Descartes, the Frenchman who famously said `I think, therefore I am''Sir Isaac Newton who proved how gravity worksCarl Friedrich Gauss, `the Prince of Mathematicians''Charles Babbage who invented computersAda Lovelace who wrote the first computer programBRITISH ENGLISHWord count: 8,351Headword count: 790Each book includes a full recording of each story online.PLUS: vis...

The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Edward Jenner, the man who fought the terrible disease, smallpoxFlorence Nightingale, the nurse known as `the lady with the lamp''Elizabeth Garrett, England''s first female doctorCarl Jung, the doctor who wanted to understand the human mindJonas Salk who defeated the dangerous illness, polioChristiaan Barnard, the first man to replace a human heartBRITISH ENGLISHWord count: 10,006Headword count: 883Each book includes a full recording...

This unique self-study course is for elementary-level adults who need English for the hospitality industry, such as workers in hotels and restaurants. Ideal for front-line staff who need to communicate confidently in English to maintain good customer relations.*24 compact units cover a wide range of practical scenarios, such as meeting and greeting guests, taking orders at breakfast and at the bar, handling guest complaints and dealing with guest requests.*4-page unit includes an easy-to-follow ...

It was the year 1867. Some sailors said that they saw a dangerous, giant monster living in the cold waters of the ocean. Some ships tried to find it and kill it, but they never returned. People said it looked like a whale."It was 300 feet long and a mile wide!""Water came out of its back. It was like a big underwater explosion!"

It was the year 1867. Some sailors said that they saw a dangerous, giant monster living in the cold waters of the ocean. Some ships tried to find it and kill it, but they never returned. People said it looked like a whale."It was 300 feet long and a mile wide!""Water came out of its back. It was like a big underwater explosion!"

It was the year 1867. Some sailors said that they saw a dangerous, giant monster living in the cold waters of the ocean. Some ships tried to find it and kill it, but they never returned. People said it looked like a whale."It was 300 feet long and a mile wide!""Water came out of its back. It was like a big underwater explosion!" Nivel: A2Pachetul contine: carte, caiet de activitati si Multi ROM

Autori: Virginia Evans, Jenny DooleyAn aparitie: 2011ISBN: 978-1-4715-0150-0

Right On! is a challenging series at CEFR Levels A1-B1.1. The series provides stimulating topics and interesting texts in themed modules. The series aims to develop the 21st century skills today's learners need to face the challenges of the modern world.Key Features:- Themed based modules.- Variety of reading texts (blog entries, emails, text messages, articles, stories ect) accompanied by videos related to them.- Realistic everyday dialogues.- Vocabulary presentation and practice.- Grammar pres...

Upload is a series of five courses for young adult or adult learners of English at beginner to upper-intermediate level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules.Key Features An integrated approach to the development of all four language skills Realistic, stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations Development of vocabulary and grammar skills through interactive tasks Clear presentation and thorough practice of the ...

Upload is a series of five courses for young adult or adult learners of English at beginner to upper-intermediate level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules.Key Features An integrated approach to the development of all four language skills Realistic, stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations Development of vocabulary and grammar skills through interactive tasks Clear presentation and thorough practice of the ...

Afiseaza 61 pana la 80 (din 492 produse)
Pagini cu rezultate: 4