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Clasificare carti pentru limba engleza

Nivel clasificare CEFR

A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 B2+ C1 C2

Nivel pregatire limba engleza

Advanced Beginner Elementary Intermediate Pre-Intermediate Proficiency Upper Intermediate

Examene la limba engleza

Cambridge KET Cambridge YLE

Recomandari in categoria Carte straina

Curs de limba engleza Blockbuster 2. Manualul profesorului cu poster
Manualul este adresat profesorului de limba engleza care preda dupa manualul Blockbuster 2. Contine planuri de lectii, explicatii corespunzatoare activitatilor din manual, dar si sugestii de activitati suplimentare pentru consolidarea cunostintelor asimilate in urma studierii manualului elevului. Contine activitati si formulare fotocopiabile de autoevaluare a progresului inregistrat de elevi pentru fiecare modul din manualul elevului. Tot in manualul profesorului, este inclusa si cheia exercitii...
PRP: 40,00 Lei  28,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza New Enterprise A2 Caiet cu Digibook App
New Enterprise is a course for young adult and adult learners of English at CEFR Levels A1 - B2. The series maintains and enriches the original approach adding a variety of new features to meet the demands of today's adults. Key Features - 12 theme-based units - Variety of reading texts accompanied by videos related to them - Variety of listening, speaking and writing skills - Systematic vocabulary presentation and practice - Grammar presentation in context with graded exercises and critic...
PRP: 57,00 Lei  51,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza New Enterprise A2 Manual cu Digibook App
New Enterprise is a course for young adult and adult learners of English at CEFR Levels A1 - B2. The series maintains and enriches the original approach adding a variety of new features to meet the demands of today's adults. Key Features - 12 theme-based units - Variety of reading texts accompanied by videos related to them - Variety of listening, speaking and writing skills - Systematic vocabulary presentation and practice - Grammar presentation in context with graded exercises and critic...
PRP: 75,00 Lei  67,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza New Enterprise A2. Manualul Profesorului
New Enterprise is a course for young adult and adult learners of English at CEFR Levels A1 - B2. The series maintains and enriches the original approach adding a variety of new features to meet the demands of today's adults. Key Features - 12 theme-based units - Variety of reading texts accompanied by videos related to them - Variety of listening, speaking and writing skills - Systematic vocabulary presentation and practice - Grammar presentation in context with graded exercises and critic...
PRP: 67,00 Lei  46,90 LeiAdauga in cos
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Black Beauty Book with Audio CD
A horse´s life can be happy and free, or it can be hard and full of sadness. Follow Black Beauty through his carefree early years, until a deadly accident sends him into the hands of many owners - some kind, some cruel. Will he survive long enough to be happy again? Ride along on Anna Sewell´s moving tale of a beautiful black horse.
PRP: 40,00 Lei  28,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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The Happy Prince Book with Audio CD
Everyone loves the Happy Prince. He is very beautiful and smiles all the time. The poor people take hope from him but they don´t know that he also shares their sadness with them. The only one who knows is the little swallow, the Prince´s true friend. When his friends fly to Egypt for the winter, he begins a journey of his own: a journey into love and kindness, a journey into the Prince´s heart.
PRP: 37,00 Lei  25,90 LeiAdauga in cos
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Gold Experience 2nd Edition, A2+ Pre-Preliminary for Schools, Students Book and Interactive eBook
Gold Experience 2nd Editionis a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates students to build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and the world beyond school. This unique 8-level exam course for teenagers takes the learners smoothly from beginner up to advanced level. It's the most engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens. Exam-focused content is skilfully built into a motivating lesson flow. Teenagers can gradually build the language, exam skills ...
PRP: 110,40 Lei  99,36 LeiAdauga in cos
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Roadmap A2 Student s Book and Interactive eBook with Digital Resources and App
Roadmap is an eight-level general English course for adults that is practical and communicative, and gets students talking. Each lesson has clear language objectives built on the Global Scale of English, with carefully scaffolded pathways for students to achieve them. The unique twin-track approach enables you to personalize your learners' journeys and teach the language and skills you know they need to progress. So, while every class covers the essential language and speaking skills in the fas...
PRP: 139,90 Lei  125,91 LeiAdauga in cos
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Literatura adaptata pentru copii - A Christmas Carol Reader (level 2)
Carte de literatura adaptata ce se adreseaza elevilor din clasele gimnaziale, clasa a VI-a, si care contine o povestire clasica scrisa de Charles Dickens si repovestita intr-o maniera originala si adaptata la nivelul de limba engleza al elevilor, fiind utila atat in predarea limbii engleze si pentru a cultiva lectura individuala, dar si pentru a aduce in discutie probleme de viata din care elevii pot trage invataminte. Povestirea originala poate stimula imaginatia elevilor printr-o narare dramat...
PRP: 27,00 Lei  18,90 LeiAdauga in cos
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Literatura adaptata pentru copii - Around the World in 80 Days Reader
A daring bet takes Phileas Fogg on the adventure of a lifetime. But why is he being chased by police detective Fix? There´s more than money at stake in Jules Verne´s remarkable tale!
PRP: 27,00 Lei  18,90 LeiAdauga in cos
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New Round-Up 4. Teacher s Book
New Round-Up English Grammar Practice este o serie de culegeri de gramatica limbii engleze, cu teorie si exercitii, adresata elevilor din invatamantul primar si gimnazial, structurata gradual pe sapte niveluri de invatare, incepand de la nivelul Starter pana la nivelul 6. Culegerile New Round-Up sunt avizate de Ministerul Educatiei pentru lucrul extins la clasa si pot fi folosite ca un manual, dupa orele de curs ca o carte de teme, iar pe timpul vacantei pentru recapitulare, deoarece elevul poa...


PRP: 160,00 Lei  144,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza - Spark 2 Test Booklet
Spark is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level.Key Features Theme-based units in modules Variety of reading texts Realistic everyday dialogues Writing practice Pronunciation sections Listening and speaking skills Across Culture and CLIL sections at the end of each module Self-check sections Songs and games ICT (Infromation & Communication Technology) research activities Interactive Whiteboard Software Interactive eBooks free for each stu...
PRP: 15,00 Lei  10,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Practice Tests Plus A2 Flyers Students Book
Seria Practice Tests Plus propune o varietate de exercitii insotite de indicii si indrumari pentru abordarea diferitelor sarcini de examen si familiarizeaza cursantii cu tipurile de sarcini, formatele de intrebari si stilul exercitiilor din testul real. • Prezentarea generala a testului ofera informatii detaliate despre fiecare tip si nivel de examen. • Activitatile de indrumare sporesc gradul de constientizare cu privire la fiecare pare a examenului, imbogatind astfel experienta vii...


PRP: 97,20 Lei  87,48 LeiAdauga in cos
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Grammar Practice for Elementary Student Book with Key Pack - With CD-ROM
The popularGrammar Practiceseries has been thoroughly revised.With a focus on context and communication, the THIRD EDITION helps learners make the leap from practice to production more easily. Moving students from practice to production. This rounded approach to grammar and word-building consolidates student development through a variety of stimulating approaches. Clear concise design, from grammar boxes through the exercises, to the grammar index, promote confidence and motivation. Self-check ...
PRP: 100,40 Lei  90,36 LeiAdauga in cos
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Spark Limba moderna 2 Limba engleza Clasa a VI-a. Manual profesor
Manualul profesorului la manualul de clasa a VI-a, limba moderna 2
PRP: 36,00 Lei  25,20 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de gramatica limba engleza Enterprise Grammar 2. Manualul profesorului
Enterprise 1 - 4 Grammar Books contain clear simple explanations, and examples of all grammar structures presented, as well as a variety of stimulating exercises. Each unit ends with a revision section. At the end of each book there are progress tests for students to revise the grammar structures taught. The books can be used as a supplement to the Enterprise series, ar any other course at the same level. Enterprise series is designed for learners of English at secondary level. The coursebooks ...
PRP: 19,00 Lei  13,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de gramatica. Limba engleza Its grammer time 2. Test booklet
It s Grammar Time is a series of four grammar books in full colour designed for learners of English at beginner to intermediate level. The series systematically presents and provides practice of English grammar structures in context and can be used to supplement any main coursebook. It is suitable both for self-study and classroom use. Key Features - Clear, simple situational presentation of grammar structures,in context through pictures and jokes - Attractive photographs and illustrations -...
PRP: 12,00 Lei  8,40 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de gramatica limba engleza It s Grammar Time 2. Manualul elevului cu Digibook App.
It s Grammar Time is a series of four grammar books in full colour designed for learners of English at beginner to intermediate level. The series systematically presents and provides practice of English grammar structures in context and can be used to supplement any main coursebook. It is suitable both for self-study and classroom use. Key Features - Clear, simple situational presentation of grammar structures,in context through pictures and jokes - Attractive photographs and illustrations -...
PRP: 67,00 Lei  60,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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