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Afiseaza 201 pana la 220 (din 492 produse)
Pagini cu rezultate: 11

Alice often dreams of a place called Underland, which is full of strange people and creatures. When she is nineteen, she falls down a rabbit hole, opens a door into Underland, and meets the people from her dream. They are in danger and they need Alice to do something for them... But is she the right person to help?
Discover the magic of stories: Read and learn with Disney friends
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engagi...

Once there was a prince who lived in a beautiful castle. He was rich and handsome, but he was not kind. An enchantress changed him into a beast. To break the spell, he must learn to love and to be loved. One day, Belle, a smart, brave young woman, comes to the castle. Can she break the spell? Can she love the Beast?
Discover the magic of stories: Read and learn with Disney friends
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engag...

Cutting Edge Third Editionbuilds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made previous editions of the course so popular.
Engaging texts, new video content and a comprehensive digital package are just some of the features that make this fully revised edition even more effective. New features include Language Live and World Culture lessons that actively encourage students to expand their knowledge of global issues and participate in classroom discussions.
- Grammar, vocab...

AllNew Total Englishunits have a very similar structure, making it easier for students to self-study when they miss a class. They just need to follow the same step-by-step learning process. All new materials can be easily found in the Students’ Book or ActiveBook with clear explanations and examples.
In the Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels ofNew Total English, the Vocabulary sections build up knowledge of high-frequency words and phrases. From Intermediate onwards, there is a greate...

High Noteoffers a perfect mix of print and online resources for students and teachers to make the learning journey exciting and successful.
Students can use a Student’s Book with extra digital activities and resources, accompanied by a paper workbook.
They can also choose a Student’s Book with Online Practice and extra digital activities and resources, where the workbook is available in the online format, providing interactive activities, instant feedback and automatic grading.

High Noteoffers a perfect mix of print and online resources for students and teachers to make the learning journey exciting and successful.
Students can use a Student’s Book with extra digital activities and resources, accompanied by a paper workbook.
They can also choose a Student’s Book with Online Practice and extra digital activities and resources, where the workbook is available in the online format, providing interactive activities, instant feedback and automatic grading.

High Noteoffers a perfect mix of print and online resources for students and teachers to make the learning journey exciting and successful.
Students can use a Student’s Book with extra digital activities and resources, accompanied by a paper workbook.
They can also choose a Student’s Book with Online Practice and extra digital activities and resources, where the workbook is available in the online format, providing interactive activities, instant feedback and automatic grading.

Also available as digital Student's Book.
- Integrated skills approach with focused activities for coding, creativity and STEAM
- project based learning methodology engages learners from the start of every unit
- built upon the GSE and covers CYLE topic areas
- includes stickers and press outs to support motor skills development and engagement...

Also available as digital Student's Book.
- Integrated skills approach with focused activities for coding, creativity and STEAM
- project based learning methodology engages learners from the start of every unit
- built upon the GSE and covers CYLE topic areas
- includes stickers and press outs to support motor skills development and engagement...

TheActivity Bookreinforces and consolidates the language and skills presented in thePupils Book.
- Practice material for every lesson, including Welcome, Goodbye and Festivals
- extra practice activities linked to the corresponding grammar points in the Pupil’s Book, which can be used for evaluation or additional practice
- a picture dictionary at the end of the book, to help pupils review and remember target language
- Access to the Poptropica English Word Games app is provided.

TheActivity Bookreinforces and consolidates the language and skills presented in thePupils Book.
- Practice material for every lesson, including Welcome, Goodbye and Festivals
- extra practice activities linked to the corresponding grammar points in the Pupil’s Book, which can be used for evaluation or additional practice
- a picture dictionary at the end of the book, to help pupils review and remember target language
- Access to the Poptropica English Word Games app is provided.

TheActivity Bookreinforces and consolidates the language and skills presented in thePupils Book.
- Practice material for every lesson, including Welcome, Goodbye and Festivals
- extra practice activities linked to the corresponding grammar points in the Pupil’s Book, which can be used for evaluation or additional practice
- a picture dictionary at the end of the book, to help pupils review and remember target language
- Access to the Poptropica English Word Games app is provided.

Team Together propune contexte autentice de comunicare si este alegerea perfecta pentru dezvoltarea creativitatii, pentru exersarea gandirii critice si deprinderea colaborarii pentru a obtine rezultate. De asemenea, este un suport excelent de pregatire atat pentru examenul PTE Young Learners, cat si pentru Cambridge English Qualifications, incepand cu Young Learners, continuand cu Key si pana la Preliminary.
Conceputa ca o imbinare intre lectiile de vocabular, cele de gramatica, cele dedicate a...

Team Together propune contexte autentice de comunicare si este alegerea perfecta pentru dezvoltarea creativitatii, pentru exersarea gandirii critice si deprinderea colaborarii pentru a obtine rezultate. De asemenea, este un suport excelent de pregatire atat pentru examenul PTE Young Learners, cat si pentru Cambridge English Qualifications, incepand cu Young Learners, continuand cu Key si pana la Preliminary.
Conceputa ca o imbinare intre lectiile de vocabular, cele de gramatica, cele dedicate a...

Team Together propune contexte autentice de comunicare si este alegerea perfecta pentru dezvoltarea creativitatii, pentru exersarea gandirii critice si deprinderea colaborarii pentru a obtine rezultate. De asemenea, este un suport excelent de pregatire atat pentru examenul PTE Young Learners, cat si pentru Cambridge English Qualifications, incepand cu Young Learners, continuand cu Key si pana la Preliminary.
Conceputa ca o imbinare intre lectiile de vocabular, cele de gramatica, cele dedicate a...

Team Together propune contexte autentice de comunicare si este alegerea perfecta pentru dezvoltarea creativitatii, pentru exersarea gandirii critice si deprinderea colaborarii pentru a obtine rezultate. De asemenea, este un suport excelent de pregatire atat pentru examenul PTE Young Learners, cat si pentru Cambridge English Qualifications, incepand cu Young Learners, continuand cu Key si pana la Preliminary.
Conceputa ca o imbinare intre lectiile de vocabular, cele de gramatica, cele dedicate a...

Team Together propune contexte autentice de comunicare si este alegerea perfecta pentru dezvoltarea creativitatii, pentru exersarea gandirii critice si deprinderea colaborarii pentru a obtine rezultate. De asemenea, este un suport excelent de pregatire atat pentru examenul PTE Young Learners, cat si pentru Cambridge English Qualifications, incepand cu Young Learners, continuand cu Key si pana la Preliminary.
Conceputa ca o imbinare intre lectiile de vocabular, cele de gramatica, cele dedicate a...

Business Partnergives students the practical training they need to bridge the gap between the classroom and the world of work. It helps learners to make measurable progress in learning English while helping to make them more employable.
Teachers Resource Book
- teaching lesson notes including warm-ups, alternative suggestions, background and culture notes
- business brief for every unit with information on the unit topic and explanations of key terminology
- photocopiable acti...

Business Partnergives students the practical training they need to bridge the gap between the classroom and the world of work. It helps learners to make measurable progress in learning English while helping to make them more employable.
Teachers Resource Book
- teaching lesson notes including warm-ups, alternative suggestions, background and culture notes
- business brief for every unit with information on the unit topic and explanations of key terminology
- photocopiable acti...

Business Partnergives students the practical training they need to bridge the gap between the classroom and the world of work. It helps learners to make measurable progress in learning English while helping to make them more employable.
Student Book
- Eight units with five lessons each;
- Eight case study business workshop lessons relating to each of the eight units;
- A review each unit revises key language and grammar;
- Pronunciation practice for each unit;
- Detailed grammar referenc...
Afiseaza 201 pana la 220 (din 492 produse)
Pagini cu rezultate: 11