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Carti in categoria Miscellaneous & related items

Amazing Philanthropists : B1
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Alfred Nobel, creator of the Nobel PrizeAndrew Carnegie, the businessman who built libraries for poor peopleJohn D. Rockefeller who made money from oil and gave it all awayThomas Barnardo who created homes for poor childrenHenry Wellcome who used his money for medical researchMadam C. J. Walker who gave her money to the African-American communityBRITISH ENGLISHWord count: 13,950Headword count: 1179Each book includes a full recording ...
PRP: 38,00 Lei  30,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Amazing Performers : B1
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Pablo Casals, the Catalan cello-playerLouis Armstrong, the American trumpet-player and singerFrank Sinatra, the Italian-American singer and actorEdith Piaf, France''s famous singing starMaria Callas, the Greek opera singerElvis Presley, the man who changed pop musicBRITISH ENGLISHWord count: 14,723Headword count: 1,121Each book includes a full recording of each story online.PLUS: visit for videos, teacher r...
PRP: 38,00 Lei  30,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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