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Carti in categoria Miscellaneous & related items

Dunn, Opal
Tip afisare:
Introducing English to Young Children: Reading and Writing
A practical teacher guide book for teaching young children to read and write in English.Introducing English to Young Children: Reading and Writing, is a practical guide book, showing teachers how to use the highly-motivating Playful Approach when starting to teach reading and writing to pre-school and lower primary-aged children. There are ideas for creative and meaningful projects and help for teachers to plan, manage and assess lessons. The book explores how children move towards becoming auto...
PRP: 76,00 Lei  60,80 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Introducing English to Young Children: Spoken Language
A practical teacher guide book for teaching spoken English to young childrenEasy to read and full of practical information, Introducing English to Young Children: Spoken Language explains how very young and young children begin to acquire English, suggesting how teachers and parents can `tune into'' young children''s developmental needs and support them.* Introduces lesson plans and a wide selection of useful oral activities for 3- to 8-year-olds.* Includes tips for classroom management* Contain...