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Carti in categoria Miscellaneous & related items

Cobuild, Collins
Tip afisare:
Key Words for Retail : B1
Collins COBUILD Key Words for Retail is a brand-new vocabulary book aimed at anyone who wants to study or work in the retail industry. The title contains the 500 most important words and phrases you will need to succeed and includes practice material to make sure you really learn them.This title has been specially created for foreign learners of English who want to improve their career prospects in retail by learning English. The title covers the most common words found in this area, and will gi...
PRP: 45,00 Lei  38,25 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Key Words for Insurance : B1
Collins COBUILD Key Words for Insurance is a brand-new vocabulary book aimed at anyone who wants to study or work in the insurance profession. The title contains the 500 most important words and phrases you will need to succeed and includes practice material to make sure you really learn them.This title has been specially created for foreign learners of English who want to improve their career prospects in insurance by learning English. The title covers the most common words found in this area, ...
PRP: 45,00 Lei  38,25 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Key Words for Finance : B1
Collins COBUILD Key Words for Finance is a brand-new vocabulary book aimed at anyone who wants to study or work in the finance industry. The title contains the 500 most important words and phrases you will need to succeed and includes practice material to make sure you really learn them.This title has been specially created for foreign learners of English who want to improve their career prospects in finance by learning English. The title covers the most common words found in this area, and will...
PRP: 75,00 Lei  63,75 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare