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Carti in categoria Literature & Biography

Selected Literary Works (Oscar Wilde)
Volumul de tip colectie de opere cuprinde trei povesti fascinante in limba engleza apartinand celebrului scriitor Oscar Wilde. Colectia este compusa din scurta povestire „The Canterville Ghost” si din doua piese de teatru intitulate „The Importance of Being Earnest” si „An Ideal Husband”. Volumul este potrivit pentru orice cititor care cunoaste limba engleza la un nivel avansat, indiferent de varsta....


PRP: 20,00 Lei  16,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Much ado about nothing (Shakespeare William)
Much Ado About Nothing is one of William Shakespeare’s best-loved comedies. Much Ado About Nothing includes two quite different stories of romantic love. Hero and Claudio fall in love at first sight, but an outsider, Don John, strikes out at their happiness. Beatrice and Benedick are kept apart by pride and mutual antagonism until others decide to play Cupid. The word “nothing” would have been pronounced “noting” in Shakespeare’s time, so the play is as much ...


PRP: 20,00 Lei  16,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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