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Carti in categoria Sticker books

Victorian fashion
Discover the grand and elegant fashions of the Victorian period in this beautiful sticker book with over 170 stickers of historically accurate clothing and accessories. Dress the dolls in an assortment of Victorian outfits, from lavish silk dresses for a dance party in a grand salon, to bathing costumes for a day at the seaside. Includes notes, photographs and sketches explaining the background to each fashion style, as well as vintage advertisements from the era. Age 7 Key Stage KS1/2 H BIC CBM...


41,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Victorian fashion
Discover the grand and elegant fashions of the Victorian period in this beautiful sticker book with over 170 stickers of historically accurate clothing and accessories. Dress the dolls in an assortment of Victorian outfits, from lavish silk dresses for a dance party in a grand salon, to bathing costumes for a day at the seaside. Includes notes, photographs and sketches explaining the background to each fashion style, as well as vintage advertisements from the era. Age 7 Key Stage KS1/2 H BIC CBM...


41,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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