Carti in categoria Maths books
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A colourful and straight-forward dictionary designed to help children develop firm foundations for confidence and success in maths from Key Stage 2 onwards. Contains clear explanations of over 450 key terms and concepts, with hundreds of useful examples and illustrations. Readers can dip in for quick explanations or read through by subject to grasp the essentials. A fantastic homework-helper for both children and parents, also including links to recommended maths websites with activities and exp...
This fun book is a perfect way to help young children learn how to do simple sums, allowing them to practise time and time again using the special wipe-clean pen. Children will have fun learning basic maths skills as they help the monsters with their sums, including counting balloons at a birthday party and adding up the monsters’ eyes and teeth! A brilliant, interactive way to introduce simple additions and subtractions, with fun illustrations to engage young minds.
Age 3 Key Stage EYFS/K...
A box of 100 cards to help children learn their times tables. Covers all the tables up to ten. Each card is wipe-clean and shows a times table sum with a space to write the answer with the special pen provided. The cards are robust and durable, ensuring repeated use.
Age 3 Key Stage KS1 M Box of cards pen ISBN: 9780746087893 Extent: 100 cards Dimensions: 157 x 113mmIllustrator Jo Litchfield
A beautifully illustrated picture book to help young children develop their skills in counting, matching and number recognition.Young children will love lifting the flaps on each page to reveal a number of objects or animals. Scenes include ‘at the park’, ‘on the farm’ and ‘in the jungle’.
Age 2 Hardback ISBN: 9780746097922 Extent: 16 pages Dimensions: 258 x 216mmIllustrator Corinne Bittler...
Part of the Usborne Key Skills series that supports the Maths lessons children learn at school, this handy pad is filled with 140 tear-off activity sheets that help children practise their fractions from halves to tenths. The activities get progressively harder throughout the pad, and all the answers are at the back.
Age 7 Key Stage KS2 M BIC CBMC C2L79 Paperback ISBN: 9781474937665 Extent: 150 pages Dimensions: 190 x 150mmAuthor/Editor Simon Tudhope & Holly BathieIllustrator Elisa Paganelli...
Make children maths stars with this fun-packed book, bursting with multiplying and dividing activities. Puzzles include using times tables to complete a jungle maze, dividing treasure between pirates, and lots more. Includes spaces for working out, extra practice pages, quick quizzes and sticker rewards.
Age 6 Key Stage KS1 M BIC CBMC B2L79 Paperback ISBN: 9781474933827 Extent: 64 pages 2 pages stickers Dimensions: 250 x 216mmIllustrator Luana Rinaldo...
Discover the fascinating world of geometry in this lift-the-flap book, from flat and solid shapes to symmetry, patterns and angles. Learn about different shapes, discover patterns and tessellations, test your knowledge in a shapes challenge and more. With links to specially selected websites for online games, printable activities and video clips.
Age 6 Hardback ISBN: 9781474950756 Extent: 16 pages Dimensions: 276 x 216mmIllustrator Benedetta Giaufret & Enrica Rusina...
Part of the Usborne Key Skills series that supports the English lessons children learn at school, this handy pad is filled with 135 time-related activities. Calculate different lengths of time, learn to use analogue and digital clocks, read a timetable and more. The activities get progressively harder throughout, and all the answers are at the back.
Age 8 Paperback ISBN: 9781474953214 Extent: 160 pages Dimensions: 190 x 150mmIllustrator Magda Brol...
Learn about all kinds of measuring with this entertaining activity book, including length, perimeter, volume, mass and time. Puzzles include working out the area of gingerbread houses, measuring the length of a maze, seeing how much animals weigh and more. Quizzes after each section let children test what they’ve learned.
Age 6 Key Stage KS1 M BIC CBMC B2L79 Paperback ISBN: 9781474933810 Extent: 64 pages 2 pages stickers Dimensions: 250 x 216mmAuthor/Editor Lara BryanIllustrator Luana Ri...
Gently and reliably guides children and parents through essential maths concepts, starting with numbers and counting. Covers the concepts needed in the first few years at school with brightly illustrated clear definitions of over 500 key terms and concepts. Can be used as a dip-in dictionary, or to work through to build knowledge and skills step-by-step. Includes internet links to the best interactive websites offering maths puzzles, games and practice at this level.
Age 5 Key Stage KS1 Paperbac...
An amazing flap book that shows just how fascinating maths can be. Colourful double page topics introduce numbers, shapes and measuring, fractions, algebra, calculus and pi, and maths in everyday life. EXACTLY 86 flaps conceal interesting facts and fun visual explanations that make abstract concepts meaningful. With puzzles to solve and games to test calculation skills, and internet links to fun maths websites to find out more.
Age 6 Key Stage KS1/2 M BIC CBMC B2N79 Hardback ISBN: 9780746087565A...
A colourful wipe-clean activity book to help young children learn how to count to 20 and write their numbers. The simple number activities are great for learning key counting, ordering and pen control skills, and the pages are wipe-clean so children can practise again and again.
Age 3 Key Stage EYFS M BIC CBMC A2L79 Paperback ISBN: 9781474937153 Extent: 24 pages Dimensions: 276 x 216mmIllustrator Marina Aizen...
There’s a whole gang of monsters who need help learning about times tables in this wipe-clean book. Focuses on the two and ten times tables in order to introduce children to simple number sequences. Children can practise time and again with the special wipe-clean pen. Games such as “Monster homes”, “Slurpy’s flowers” and “Goggle’s cakes” will make learning and practising fun.
Age 3 Key Stage EYFS/KS1 M BIC CBMC A2L79 Paperback ISBN: 978140956...
How many groups of five can you see? How Big is a million? This beautifully illustrated pair give a fun-filled introduction to the basics of Maths, numeracy and counting. Includes: Count to 100 and How Big is a Million?
2 books ISBN: 9781474985017
An exciting guide to fractions, decimals and percentages with over 125 flaps to lift to discover what they are and how to use them. Topics include simplifying fractions, improper fractions, and converting to decimals and percentages. Children can also build a fraction wall, meet the fraction families and test their skills with a fraction challenge.
Age 7 Key Stage KS2 M BIC CBMC C5K79 Hardback ISBN: 9781409599012 Extent: 16 pages Dimensions: 276 x 216mmIllustrator Benedetta Giaufret & Enrica...
An innovative and interactive guide to learning times tables, with over 125 flaps to lift to discover the answers underneath. Includes tips, tricks and practice questions to help with memorisation, as well as a number machine to answer any tables question. The humorous illustrations and fun questions help children to discover why times tables are helpful, and a challenge at the end encourages them to test their new knowledge. A fun book for parents and children to share together.
Age 6 Key Stage...
Think like a mathematician by scribbling your way through this jam-packed activity book, full of maths puzzles to solve, codes to crack and patterns to draw. Activities include inventing your own currency, designing symmetrical shapes and creating maths magic tricks. Includes links to websites with even more maths facts and activities.
Age 7 Key Stage KS1/2 M Hardback ISBN: 9781474959940 Extent: 80 Dimensions: 240 x 188mmAuthor/Editor Alice James, Eddie Reynolds and Darran StobbartIllustrator Pe...
Learn to solve all kinds of multiplying and dividing puzzles in this entertaining book, with over 130 flaps to reveal the answers along the way. Topics include times tables, number lines and using fractions, and there’s even a treasure island puzzle at the back of the book, where children can put their new knowledge into practice.
Age 6 Key Stage KS1 M BIC CBMC B5K79 Hardback ISBN: 9781474950749 Extent: 16 pages Dimensions: 276 x 216mmAuthor/Editor Lara BryanIllustrator Benedetta Giaufret ...
Learn how to solve all kinds of adding and subtracting puzzles with this entertaining book, lifting over 150 flaps to reveal the answers along the way. Topics include number bonds, money puzzles, number lines and fact families. There’s even a monster board game at the back of the book, where children can put their new knowledge into practice.
Age 6 Key Stage KS1 M BIC CBMC B5K79 Hardback ISBN: 9781474936613 Extent: 16 pages Dimensions: 276 x 216mmIllustrator Benedetta Giaufret & Enrica...
Master all kinds of measuring with this lift-the-flap introduction to time, speed, length, temperature and more. There are speeds to calculate, thermometers to read, and lengths to measure using the handy pop-out ruler included in the book. An engaging introduction to a key early learning concept, with internet links to find out more.
Age 7 Key Stage KS2 M BIC CBMC C5K79 Hardback ISBN: 9781474922654 Extent: 16 pages Dimensions: 276 x 216mmIllustrator Benedetta Giaufret and Enrica Rusina...