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Carti in categoria Geography books and atlases

First atlas
An essential introduction to the basics of our world, including continents and countries, their peoples and physical geography.Colourful maps, diagrams and photographs introduce geography and mapping whilst giving children an understanding of the relationship between countries and continents.With internet-links to recommended websites via the Usborne Quicklinks Website. Age 6 Key Stage KS1 Hardback ISBN: 9781409531760 Extent: 64 pages Dimensions: 276 x 216 mmAuthor/Editor Gill Doherty...


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First atlas
An essential introduction to the basics of our world, including continents and countries, their peoples and physical geography.Colourful maps, diagrams and photographs introduce geography and mapping whilst giving children an understanding of the relationship between countries and continents.With internet-links to recommended websites via the Usborne Quicklinks Website. Age 6 Key Stage KS1 Hardback ISBN: 9781409531760 Extent: 64 pages Dimensions: 276 x 216 mmAuthor/Editor Gill Doherty...


59,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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