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Carti in categoria English language

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Henry Harris Hates Haitches - Young Reader Level D with Audio CD
Henry Harris hat Probleme mit der Aussprache des Buchstabens H und ist nicht gerade ein Musterschuler. Aber mehr noch als Hs und Hausubungen hasst er seine Mitschulerin Hannah Hunter, die keine Gelegenheit auslasst, ihn wegen seines Sprachfehlers blosszustellen. Eines Tages gerat Henrys bester Freund Harry in Schwierigkeiten. Wird Henry Harry aus seiner misslichen Lage befreien konnen? Und was passiert dabei mit Henrys Hs? Die neue Reihe Helbling Young Readers richtet sich an Kinder im Grundschu...
20,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Fisherman and his Soul. Book and Audio CD Pack, Level 1
Einem Fischer geht eine wunderschone Meerjungfrau ins Netz. Er verliebt sich in sie und will sie heiraten. Doch der Preis dafur ist seine Seele. Ist seine Liebe wirklich so gross, dass er ohne Seele leben kann?show moreISBN: 9783852725581Nr pagini: 76 pagesFormat: 148 x 211 x 7mm | 147gAnul aparitiei: 02 Jun 2017
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Fireballs Heart (Level 1) with Audio CD
Chief Wise Owl und seine Stammesbruder sprechen immer die Wahrheit, doch Chief Strong Buffalo will dies nicht so recht glauben. Er versucht Dark Eyes, der sich um alle Pferde des Stamms kummert, zum Lugen zu bringen. Kann Dark Eyes den Test bestehen?show moreISBN: 9783852720036Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 148 x 157 x 5mm | 85gAnul aparitiei: 01 May 2007
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Fat Cats Busy Day Young Reader Level D with Audio CD
Reader mit CD-ROM/Audio-CDMum, Dad, Emily und das Baby sind nicht zu Hause - endlich kann sich Kater Fat Cat in Ruhe erholen. Peng! Plotzlich reisst ein lautes Gerausch Fat Cat aus dem Schlaf. Oh nein, es ist ein Einbrecher, der gerade Mums Schmuckkastchen plundert. Fat Cat hat einen Plan, denn er ist zwar dick, aber sehr clever. Er will den Dieb um jeden Preis aufhalten.Die neue Reihe Helbling Young Readers richtet sich an Kinder im Grundschulalter und bietet fesselnde Lekture, Multimedia-CD-RO...
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Dracula, Book and Audio CD Pack, Level 4
Jonathan Harker reist nach Transsylvanien, um dem mysteriosen Grafen Dracula bei einem Grundstuckskauf in England zu helfen. Bald merkt Jonathan, dass der Graf ein grauenvolles Geheimnis hutet und er in seinem Schloss gefangen ist. Als Dracula nach England kommt, versuchen Jonathan und seine geliebte Frau Mina zusammen mit einer Gruppe tapferer und selbstloser Freunde, den grausamen Grafen von seiner schrecklichen Mission abzuhalten moreISBN: 9783852723020Nr pagini: 96 pagesFormat: 148 x...
20,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Hooray! Lets Play!
PRP: 48,00 Lei  38,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English Made Easy Ages 7-8 Key Stage 2
Let Carol Vorderman help your child to succeed in English. "English Made Easy" is packed with notes and tips to make learning about English easy and fun! Follow the exercises with your child, then reward them with gold stars for their efforts. Each title contains a progress chart so your child can keep track of all the exercises they have completed. A great way to increase your child''s confidence in English - ''the more you practice, the better you''ll be'' - Carol moreFormat: Pa...
18,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English Made Easy Ages 6-7 Key Stage 1
Let Carol Vorderman help your child to succeed in English. "English Made Easy" is packed with notes and tips to make learning about English easy and fun! Follow the exercises with your child, then reward them with gold stars for their efforts. Each title contains a progress chart so your child can keep track of all the exercises they have completed. A great way to increase your child''s confidence in English - ''the more you practice, the better you''ll be'' - Carol moreFormat: Pa...
18,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English Made Easy Ages 10-11 Key Stage 2
Let Carol Vorderman help your child to succeed in English. "English Made Easy" is packed with notes and tips to make learning about English easy and fun! Follow the exercises with your child, then reward them with gold stars for their efforts. Each title contains a progress chart so your child can keep track of all the exercises they have completed. This is a great way to increase your child''s confidence in English - ''the more you practice, the better you''ll be'' - Carol moreFo...
18,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Emperors New Clothes
ISBN: 9781909290020Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 162 x 222 x 9mm | 212gAnul aparitiei: 01 Apr 2013
32,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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ISBN: 9781909290006Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 162 x 222 x 9mm | 212gAnul aparitiei: 01 Apr 2013
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Pirate Treasure Adventure
Fun filled pack containing activity based stories with sticker and scene boards for children to recreate the story or create a new one of their ownshow moreISBN: 9781909290631Format: 195 x 210 x 29mm | 163gAnul aparitiei: 30 Aug 2014
32,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Jack and the Beanstalk
Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 162 x 222 x 9mm | 212gAnul aparitiei: 01 Apr 2013
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Hansel and Gretel
ISBN: 9780955778575Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 162 x 222 x 9mm | 212gAnul aparitiei: 30 Sep 2014
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Goldilocks and the Three Bears
ISBN: 9781909290051Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 162 x 222 x 9mm | 212gAnul aparitiei: 01 Apr 2013
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First Trip to Fairy School
It\\''s their first day at Fairy School, but Sapphire, Rose and Violet are going to be late! Solve the puzzles to help the three friends arrive on time and make a magical spell for a happy first day at school. You can use your stickers to create some magical fairy scenes of your own, too!show moreISBN: 9781909290662Format: 195 x 210 x 28mm | 168gAnul aparitiei: 30 Sep 2014
32,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Classic Fairytale Collection
This classic collection contains eight favourite fairytales making it the perfect gift to be enjoyed time and time again. My Favourite Fairytales are classic stories, lovingly retold for both adults and children to treasure. Also included are fun activities so you can relive each exciting adventure after reading!show moreISBN: 9781909290082Nr pagini: 192 pagesFormat: 196 x 266 x 17mm | 798gAnul aparitiei: 26 Jan 2016...
59,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English Made Easy Ages 9-10 Key Stage 2
Let Carol Vorderman help your child to succeed in English. \\"English Made Easy\\" is packed with notes and tips to make learning about English easy and fun! Follow the exercises with your child, then reward them with gold stars for their efforts. Each title contains a progress chart so your child can keep track of all the exercises they have completed. A great way to increase your child\\''s confidence in English - \\''the more you practice, the better you\\''ll be\\'' - Carol mo...
PRP: 18,00 Lei  14,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Three Billy Goats Gruff
ISBN: 9780955778582Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 162 x 222 x 9mm | 212gAnul aparitiei: 01 Apr 2013
32,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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My First Times Tables Singalong Sticker Book
Format Mixed media product | 18 pages Dimensions 212 x 242 x 3mm | 124g Publication date15 Mar 2010 Publisher CYP Ltd Publication City/Country Essex, United Kingdom Illustrations notecolour illustrations ISBN10184733363X ISBN13 978184733363 ...


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