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Carti in categoria English language

Gee, R.
Tip afisare:
Better English

Gee, R.

A bright and amusing book with simple explanations and lots of examples to help readers express themselves more clearly in English. It shows how to avoid common mistakes in written English, which punctuation marks to use and sets out the rules (and exceptions) for English spelling. This book contains the following Usborne Guides: English Grammar, English Spelling and English Punctuation. Age 7 Key Stage KS2/3 E Paperback ISBN: 9780746058435 Extent: 112 pages Dimensions: 240 x 170mmAuthor/Editor ...


59,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English grammar

Gee, R.

An indispensable guide to grammar, this book is designed to help the reader recognize mistakes in written English and avoid making them. It is especially useful for those wanting to brush up for English exams, and for readers who would like to express themselves more accurately and clearly. Plenty of tricks and techniques to help remember the rules Presented in a highly visual and entertaining form A valuable resource for home, school and the office. Age 7 Key Stage KS2/3 E Paperback ISBN: 97807...


35,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English grammar

Gee, R.

An indispensable guide to grammar, this book is designed to help the reader recognize mistakes in written English and avoid making them. It is especially useful for those wanting to brush up for English exams, and for readers who would like to express themselves more accurately and clearly. Plenty of tricks and techniques to help remember the rules Presented in a highly visual and entertaining form A valuable resource for home, school and the office. Age 7 Key Stage KS2/3 E Paperback ISBN: 97807...


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