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Carti in categoria English language

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What can I make with my old socks? Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. My sock is a cat! Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
On the Road. Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Bella and Hugo go to the beach. What can they see from the car? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Mona s Magic Trick. Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Mona loves magic tricks. What will happen when she meets Lisa the magician? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Do giant pandas have cereal for breakfast? Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Do you know what giant pandas do all day? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Can we use it again? Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. We don't throw it away. We use it again! Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Bye-bye, Turtle! Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Can Julia and her mum save a turtle? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Pat Loves Cats! Collins Peapod Readers. Level 1
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Pat sees a cat! Includes: Before and after reading activities Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
What can you do with balloons? Collins Peapod Readers. Level 4
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Balloons are fun! What can we do with them? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters, working towards A1 Movers Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Say Cheese! Collins Peapod Readers. Level 4
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. It's time for a school photo. Oh no, what happened? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters, working towards A1 Movers Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
I Think it s a Monster! Collins Peapod Readers. Level 4
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Someone's left a mess in Rob and Tim's room. Who is it? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters, working towards A1 Movers Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
What can I make with my old socks? Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. My sock is a cat! Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
On the Road. Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Bella and Hugo go to the beach. What can they see from the car? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Mona s Magic Trick. Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Mona loves magic tricks. What will happen when she meets Lisa the magician? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Do giant pandas have cereal for breakfast? Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Do you know what giant pandas do all day? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Can we use it again? Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. We don't throw it away. We use it again! Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Bye-bye, Turtle! Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Can Julia and her mum save a turtle? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Are all houses the same? Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Does your house look like this? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  20,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Pat Loves Cats! Collins Peapod Readers. Level 1
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Pat sees a cat! Includes: Before and after reading activities Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online
PRP: 20,00 Lei  17,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Are all houses the same? Collins Peapod Readers. Level 3
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Does your house look like this? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online...