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Carti in categoria Childrens fiction books

Sewell, Anna
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Black Beauty Book with Audio CD
A horse´s life can be happy and free, or it can be hard and full of sadness. Follow Black Beauty through his carefree early years, until a deadly accident sends him into the hands of many owners - some kind, some cruel. Will he survive long enough to be happy again? Ride along on Anna Sewell´s moving tale of a beautiful black horse.
PRP: 39,00 Lei  27,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Black Beauty Book
A horse´s life can be happy and free, or it can be hard and full of sadness. Follow Black Beauty through his carefree early years, until a deadly accident sends him into the hands of many owners - some kind, some cruel. Will he survive long enough to be happy again? Ride along on Anna Sewell´s moving tale of a beautiful black horse.
PRP: 26,00 Lei  23,40 LeiAdauga in cos
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