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Carti in categoria Childrens fiction books

Duggan, Helena
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The Trouble with Perfect
Having uncovered the secrets that lay behind the spookily pristine town of Perfect, Violet and the townsfolk are enjoying their new freedom from the maniacal rule of the evil Archer twins. But have they really seen the last of Edward Archer? Why is Boy acting strangely? And who is masterminding a scary zombie army? Another quirky, creepy and unforgettable adventure, perfect for fans of Roald Dahl, Neil Gaiman and Tim Burton. Age 9 BIC CBMC D3N79 Accelerated Reader level 5 MYPaperback ISBN: 97814...


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The Battle for Perfect
Things are quiet in the town that used to be Perfect until Violet and Boy uncover more trouble brewing. Five scientists are missing and Town is about to be taken over by a huge zombie army. Can Violet and Boy save their friends? It’s a matter of life or death! A highly charged finale to the series that began with A Place Called Perfect. Fans of Roald Dahl, Neil Gaiman and Tim Burton will love this quirky, creepy and unforgettable adventure series. Age 9 Key Stage KS2 E BIC CBMC D3N79 Pape...


41,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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A Place Called Perfect
Violet never wanted to move to Perfect. Who wants to live in a town where everyone has to wear glasses to stop them going blind? And who wants to be neat and tidy and perfectly behaved all the time? But Violet quickly discovers theres something weird going on – she keeps hearing noises in the night, her mum is acting strange and her dad has disappeared. When she meets Boy she realizes that her dad is not the only person to have been stolen away...and that the mysterious Watchers are guardi...