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Carti in categoria Childrens fiction books

Graham, Elspeth
Tip afisare:
Zog and Zebra : Band 03/Yellow
Zog is an alien and Zebra lives on Earth, but what happens when these two become friends and encounter a dangerous creature? This fun, decodable story is written by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham and fantastically illustrated by Sarah Horne.* Yellow/Band 3 books offer varied sentence structure and natural language* Text type: A fantasy story* Pages 14-15 provide an opportunity for children to recap the story.* Curriculum links: PSHEISBN: 9780007507801Format: Paperback | 16 pages Anul aparitiei: 199...
PRP: 27,00 Lei  21,60 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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