Tip afisare:
Bonito juego de palabras han imaginado tus padres a tu nacimiento, y tu llevaste el juego mas alla, arraigandolo hondo en los arboles que iban a transformarse en tu guitarra, como apoyo en la cancion y la poesia.
Si un dia, entre aguas, te tuve que conocer y dejarme convencer por tu cancion, hoy, otro dia, tuve que encontrar la poesia de tus canciones sin escribir todavia.
El cantante y el poeta andan hacia la corte de la Reina Poesia, enganchados de una guitarra, murmurando juntos las olvidad...
INCREDIBIL. IUBESC este capatul a 36 de ani de traire, experienta si analiza personala asupra celei mai importante forte care defineste umanitatea… iubirea. Initial nu mi-am propus sa scriu intr-un mod programat. Cartea s-a nascut firesc, am simtit nevoia sa spun anumite lucruri… si le-am spus cu responsabilitate, gandindu-ma mereu la public, la oameni, la intimitatea si initimitatile fiecaruia dintre noi. Anul trecut am postat on-line cateva poezii iar mesajele puternice de incura...
Silvan Stancel (born on July, 2nd 1978) is a graduate of German and French studies at the School of Foreign Languages from “Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca. He wrote his first poems during his undergraduate years, and has been awarded prizes at many literary competitions. As an accredited translator of German and French, he has translated literature of specialty. He is also a guitarist, a composer, a song writer, a performer, having won with his melodies many trophies at nation...