Alexandru Cristian Strenc

A studiat la Institutul Politehnic Bucuresti- Facultatea de Automatizari si Calculatoare.
Printre publicatii enumeram:
2002 coautor International Encyclopedia of Laws-monography; Romania-Intellectual property; Kluwer Law International-The Hague.London.New York
2005, 2007 Coordonatorul lucrarii si autorul principal Dreptul brevetului- Tratat, Vol. I, II., Editura --Lumina Lex, Bucharest 2005 ;
- The Enforcement of Industrial Property Laws in Romania-IIC International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law no. 8/2001;
- Basic Amendments to the Romanian Patent Law –IIC International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law no.9/2003;
- Romania-recent developments in industrial property –World Patent Information 24(2002); Numeroase articole in Revista Romana de Proprietate Industriala, Revista Romana de Dreptul Proprietatii Intelectuale;
Participari la Conferinte si manifestari stiintifice
1996 - Cracow 15-16 September Conference on Industrial Property in the European Integration; panelist and presentation of the paper:”State of Play and outlook in the CEEC’s The Romanian Experience”;
2001 - Sofia WIPO International Conference on Intellectual Property, the Internet, Electronic Commerce and Traditional Knowledge; moderator of the session “Intellectual Property.Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources” and presentation of paper on this topic;
2001- Luxembourg 10-12 November 2003;
2003 - Patinnova 2003 - chairman;
2005 - Orlando-USA PISTA "2005 A systemic approach on IP protection"
Numeroase alte participari la nivel national la conferinte si seminarii dedicate proprietatii intelectuale si industriale