David Kinsley
![Kinsley, David Kinsley, David](images/authors/David Kinsley.jpg)
Profesor David Robert Kinsley (1939-2000)
David Kinsley s-a nascut in Holyoke, Massachusetts, in 25 Aprilie 1939. A absolvit cu succes Drew University in 1961, Theological Seminary in 1964 si University of Chicago in 1970. David a fost captivat de uimitoarea diversitate a experientelor religioase umane. Viata lui s-a intersectat cu vietile a nenumarati oameni cu credinte diferite. A fost fascinat in special de Hinduism si de-a lungul vietii a efectuat numeroase calatorii in India pentru a studia festivalurile si ritualurile specifice zeilor si zeitelor Hinduse. La McMaster University, unde si-a desfasurat activitatea pentru mai bine de 30 de ani, a creat si dezvoltat cursuri despre traditiile religioase stravechi sau contemporane. Ca profesor, David si-a ajutat elevii sa-si dezvolte respectul si intelegerea pentru culturi care au practici religioase diferite. Sustinut constant de sotia sa Cary, el a scris sapte carti fundamentale care acum sunt documente de referinta in universitatile din intreaga lume. Bibliografia pe care o veti gasi mai jos ofera o idee cuprinzatoare despre multitudinea de domenii care i-au starnit interesul.
Bibliografie selectiva:
1975 The Sword and the Flute -- Krisna and Kali: Dark Visions of the Terrible and the Sublime in Hindu Mythology. Berkeley: University of California Press; paperback edition,
1977 German translation, Flöte und Schwert. Berne: Scherz Verlag,
1979 Indian edition, Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1975.
1979 The Divine Player: A Study of Krsna Lila. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
1982 Hinduism: A Cultural Perspective. Prentice-Hall Series in World Religions. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; second edition, 1993.
1986 Hindu Goddesses: Visions of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Tradition. Berkeley: University of California Press; paperback edition 1988; German translation, Indische Göttinnen. Frankfurt: Insel Verlag, 1990.
1989 The Goddesses Mirror: Visions of the Divine from East and West. Albany: State University of New York Press. 1995 Ecology and Religion: Ecological Spirituality in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
1996 Health, Healing and Religion: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.1997Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas. Berkeley: University of California Press. Articles 1972 The taming of the shrew: On the history of the Goddess Kali. Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses 1: 328-38.
1972 Without Krsna there is no song. History of Religions 2: 149-80.
1974 Through the looking glass: Divine madness in the Hindu religious tradition. History of Religions 4: 270-305. 1974-75 Creation as play in Hindu spirituality. Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses 4: 108-19.
1975 Freedom from death in the worship of Kali. Numen 22: 183-207.
1977 The death that conquers death: Dying to the world in medieval Hinduism. In Frank Reynolds and Earle Waugh (eds.), Religious Encounters with Death, 97-108. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.
1978 The portrait of the Goddess in the Devi-mahatmya. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 46: 489-506.
1980 Devotion as an alternative to marriage in the lives of some Hindu women devotees. Journal of Asian and African Studies 14: 83-93.
1981 Devotion as an alternative to marriage in the lives of some Hindu women devotees. In Jayant Lele (ed.), Tradition and Modernity in Bhakti Movements, 83-93. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
1982 Blood and death out of place: Reflections on the Goddess Kali. In John Stratton Hawley and Donna Marie Wulff (eds.), The Divine Consort: Radha and the Goddesses in India, 144-52. Berkeley Religious Studies Series, 3. Berkeley: Graduate Theological Union. Series in Comparative Religion.
1982 The image of the divine and the status of women in the Devi-bhagavata-purana. Anima 9: 50-56.
1982 The motherhood of God as expressed in the Goddess Kali. Anima 9: 131-42.
1991 Reflections on ecological themes in Hinduism. Journal of Dharma 16: 229-45.
1993 Mother Goddesses and culture Goddesses. In V. Subramaniam (ed.), Mother Goddess and Other Goddesses, 65-74. New Delhi: Ajanta Publications.
1998 Learning the story of the land: Reflections on the liberating power of geography and pilgrimage in the Hindu tradition. In Lance E. Nelson (ed.), Purifying the Earthly Body of God: Religion and Ecology in Hindu India, 225-46. Albany: State University of New York Press.