Sally Hepworth

SALLY HEPWORTH este autoarea a sase romane declarare bestselleruri de USA Today, care au fost publicate in douazeci de tari: Love Like the French (2014), The Secrets of Midwives (2015), The Things We Keep (2016), The Mother’s Promise (2017), The Family Next Door (2018), The Mother-in-Law (2019; Soacra, Armada, 2022), The Good Sister (2020). Despre cartile ei s-a scris ca sunt „fascinante“ (The Herald Sun), „inteligente si captivante“ (Publishers Weekly), iar autoare de succes precum Liane Moriarty si Emily Giffin le-au laudat, declarandu?le „seducatoare“. In prezent, Sally locuieste in Melbourne, impreuna cu sotul si cei trei copii, si lucreaza la urmatorul sau roman, The Younger Wife.