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Charles Bigg

Charles Bigg s-a nascut in Manchester, in 1840, a studiat la Corpus Christi College, Oxford. A detinut diferite functii in cadrul Bisericii si in mediul universitar pana cand, in 1901, a devenit preot si Regius professor la Universitatea Oxford. Din 1889 pana in 1903, a condus comisia de examinare a episcopilor din Worcester, Peterborough, London si Manchester. A murit la Oxford in 1908. Opera: Neo-Platonism (1895); Unity in Diversity (1899); A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude (1901); The church's task under the Roman empire : four lectures with preface, notes, and an excursus (1905); Wayside sketches in ecclesiastical history (1906); The origins of Christianity (postum; 1909); The Christian Platonists of Alexandria (reed. 1913); The doctrine of the twelve Apostles (reed. 1922).

Titlurile autorului Charles Bigg (1)